cookoo4chocolate -- Blogmeister
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Cookoo4chocolate's Reports

Year 06-07 Core

The reviews presented here are the opinions and ideas of the reviewer. The reviewers welcome comments from their fellow classmates, making the ideas and opinions presented here the starting point for dialogue, not the ending point.

by cookoo4chocolate

teacher: Tonisha Walden

Blog Entries

Homecoming, Not Really my Home Run

Article posted September 15, 2006 at 02:27 AM GMT0 • Reads 56

My book I want to talk about is Homecoming.

Although some people liked it, I did not.

I did not like the book because it was so

sad. I mean, how would you feel if your mom just

got out of the car and walked away? It doesn't

make much sense that she left them alone.

Although the police found her in a Boston

hospital because she had gone crazy, I still

didn't understand how her illness could cause

her to abandon her children.

I thought this book was sad because there

were a lot of adults that treated the kids like

nothing. Like the cousin. She would leave for

work and Dicey would have to take them to church

summer school. While the younger children were

there, Dicey would clean the house top to

bottom because the cousin "didn't have time."

When Maybeth went to the summer school, the nuns

all thought she was retarded because she was shy

and quiet, and she had no friends. Stuff like

that is very depressing.

Another part of the book I didn't like was

when they stayed with complete strangers. That

tells kids that if someone you don't know walks

up to you, you shold trust them. Dicey made some

dangerous descisions. You shouldn't go stay with

someone just because they say you can trust them!

In the case of the Tillermans, Windy and Stewart

were harmless. Overall, it was a bad descision.

Reading this book made me realize how lucky

I am. I have parents that love and support me. I

also have grandparents that are proud of me.

(They also know I exist!) My home is safe and

well structured. Every night, I go to my warm

bed with a full stomach. It made me appreciate

my life because I know there are people out

there that aren't as lucky.

The writing style of this book was very

descriptive. An example of this is when they

found the dimes on the beach. The author says

something like, "They shined like stars."

Another example is when in Windy and Stewart's

dorm, there was, and I quote, "Ashtrays filled

with smelly cigarete butts."

Even though I didn't like this book, your

opinion may be different if you read it too. As

you now know, I thought this book was

depressing. If you like a adventure, or just a

book about four kids that are on their own, you

might just like this book. A similar series that

is more enjoyable is The Series of Unfortunate

Events, I read the whole series!

Overall, I prefer fiction with a little more

adventure and humor. I like books that don't

revolve around sad events. I would not recomend

this book for people that like happy endings.

Article posted September 15, 2006 at 02:27 AM GMT0 • Reads 56

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