starbucks101 -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Year 06-07 Core

The reviews presented here are the opinions and ideas of the reviewer. The reviewers welcome comments from their fellow classmates, making the ideas and opinions presented here the starting point for dialogue, not the ending point.

by starbucks101

teacher: Tonisha Walden

whats up

Article posted September 19, 2006 at 05:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 58

just checling in on things

Article posted September 19, 2006 at 05:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 58

Homecoming reveiw

Article posted September 22, 2006 at 01:04 AM GMT0 • Reads 32

The story Homecoming is about four New England children (Dicey, James, Maybeth, and Sammy), who are abandoned by their mother, and how they make a long trip to their Aunts house and ultimately to there grandmother’s house. In my personal opinion, it was an incredibly dull and boring book, it was pure

torture to sit and read this book and I love to read! Therefore, it should not be on

the summer reading list. Here are the reasons why.

The main reason is that Homecoming lagged a lot. Some parts of the book could have been taken out, or replaced, to make the book move along. For example, when the Tillermans stayed at the park, parts of that could have been cut out to make it move along a lot better. Another time it could have been shortened was when they were traveling along the road. It’s not the size of the book that I didn’t like; I can stand a long book, it just to have some movement. What I did not like was the amount of unnecessary parts in the book. Therefore, reason number one is that it lagged.

And for a second thing, the characters were not appealing. They were a reason I wanted to throw the book out of the window. They seemed distant; they never really made a bond with me as characters. I really wanted to know more of why Maybeth was so shy, the book never really went in depth on the topic. The writer should have developed the characters a little better to make a connection between the reader and the characters. So if the characters were more developed, the book may have been more interesting and entertaining, because fun characters would have helped the story. Therefore, an unfamiliar group of characters is the second reason that the book was terrible and should not be on our summer reading list.

The third reason that this book is bad is that it does not hold a persons attention. I would just wander off into a thought and it would be more interesting than anything in the book. The author had so many boring parts that it just made me want to throw the book out of the window even more. The author could have made it more interesting by spicing up some of the parts. For example, the part in which the children are staying at their cousins could have been made more interesting by adding drama. And explaining why they needed to leave to go to their grandmother’s. The third and final reason the book was terrible and should not be on our list is that it could not hold a persons attention.

Homecoming by Cynthia Voight was very bad as you can tell by my review. This book is so bad that no child should have to go through the pure torture of reading it, so it should be taken off our reading list. The three points made in this article show how terrible it really was. First of it lagged too much for any book it should have some action (not cars blowing up just some thing more exciting). The second reason this book was awful was that the characters were not engaging. I didn’t want to go on an adventure with them or talk to them at all. The last reason that the book was terrible is that it did not hold my attention. The book made me want to fall asleep. So after reading this review would you want to read this book, I hope not. I have nothing against Cynthia Voight except the fact the book was terrible. Maybe she is a great writer but I didn’t see it. This book was supposed to teach us something, or it wouldn’t have been on the list, but I can’t understand why.

Article posted September 22, 2006 at 01:04 AM GMT0 • Reads 32

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