kms63 -- Blogmeister
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   2004 - 2016

Year 06-07 Core

The reviews presented here are the opinions and ideas of the reviewer. The reviewers welcome comments from their fellow classmates, making the ideas and opinions presented here the starting point for dialogue, not the ending point.

by kms63

teacher: Tonisha Walden

Blog Entries

Travel Team By: MikeLupica

Article posted December 6, 2006 at 03:31 AM GMT0 • Reads 58

Travel Team by: Mike Lupica

Danny Walker was small and he new it, but that didn’t stop him from being one of the best basketball players in Middletown. Last year, Danny had tried out for the sixth grade travel team and made it. He figured that he would make the seventh grade team this year. It turns out that wasn’t the case. The night after tryouts Danny got a call from Mr. Ross, “the coach for the Vikings”, to tell him he hadn’t made the team and was deeply sorry. Everyone else that hadn’t made the team received a letter, so getting a personal phone call made Danny feel some what special. Danny’s dad, Richie Walker, was a famous Middletown Vikings player. He had led his team to the national championship, and played college basketball at Syracuse. Shortly after he played there he was drafted to the NBA. One night after a big game he was in a very bad car accident. He was given the present of a metal hip and shoulder. After the accident Richie left his family and Middle town .

One night while Danny was shooting hoops, his dad showed up unexpectedly. His mom and dad had a long talk, his dad had a surprise for Danny. His dad knew that Danny was a great basketball player. He decided to start a new travel team so that talented basketball players that were looked over could play. After they lost they’re first 6 games, Danny’s dad “the coach” decided to add a new player to the team. Colby Danes was her name she was the best girl basketball player in Middle town. The guys weren’t sure having a girl on the team was a good idea , but since they had lost every game so far they had nothing to loose. After the new addition to the team it came down to the bare wire the next game only losing by 3 points to Kirkland. Then the time finally came with a perfect pass from Danny to Colby for a lay up with 4 seconds to go. They had won their first game. Then the time came for the Tri- Valley tournament and they were playing the Vikings. Will they be able to overcome the Vikings and take home the W, you can find out by reading Travel Team.

In my opinion, I think that Travel Team By: Mike Lupica is one of the best sports books I have ever read. The story about Danny Walker and the Warriors is a true underdog story. I think that it’s a great book for everybody that likes sports to read. It tells how a team with all the people that weren’t good enough to play for the Vikings get a second chance to prove themselves. This book has many different things that make it special. It is a fast paced book which keeps you interested and on the edge of your seat. Another reason is that the author describes the characters very well. He describes the feelings and emotions around the character and the scenery. The author does a wonderful job of making the story as suspenseful as possible. This book reminds me of the movie Hoosiers or Remember The Titans. He does a good job describing not just the good times but the bad times of the book. A good example of that is when Danny’s dad got into his second car accident. He describes how the officer found him in a ditch on the side of the road, and how his breath smelled of alcohol. .

Another great reason I recommend this book is because of the way the author describes his characters. At the beginning of the book he describes how Danny is the smallest boy in Middletown, but he has the most love for the sport anyone could have. The author explains how he practices every night to get better, no matter what type of weather. Lupica does a great job of putting you in the characters shoe’s, and even in their mind. He describes the character and their personal life in great detail. I think that details help the reader understand more of what kind of person the character is.

The author also uses details to describe the surroundings of the characters very well. One example is when Danny was playing the first travel game for the Warriors. He described how beats of sweat were coming down Danny’s head, and how he glided underneath the ball after taking three steps to the right and making one from the outside. Another example was when Danny’s dad was in the hospital. Lupica makes the reader feel the pain of Danny’s father when he tries to move his body.

The only thing I didn’t like about this book was the ending. When they play the Vikings the author doesn’t talk about the rest of the tournament. It doesn’t talk about if the Warriors make it any further or if they lose to another team. I think that if the author had come out with another book describing what happened after the tournament that would make it more exciting.

Travel Team had many morals. I learned that it doesn’t matter how big or small you are, but that if you have a big enough heart and love for what you want you can accomplish anything. I also learned that for even super stars like Richie Walker, it takes one or more near death experiences to finally realize something needs to be changed. In Richie Walker’s case he need to finally realize he couldn’t have just one beer without endangering himself and his family. He would have to change his lifestyle in order for his family and himself to lead a happier life.

Article posted December 6, 2006 at 03:31 AM GMT0 • Reads 58

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