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by August

teacher: Mark Ahlness

Yes, I'm Back

Article posted February 8, 2007 at 11:45 PM GMT0 • Reads 862

WWWWWWWWoooowwwww it has been a long time. I'm so glad that I get to write again. I'm way behind on my articles so I have to write as many as possible not that writing in quantity is better than writing in quality. Actually quality is better like hey, if I wrote one thousand articles with one word each, see what I mean.

Article posted February 8, 2007 at 11:45 PM GMT0 • Reads 862

Summer Vacation

Article posted August 12, 2007 at 12:48 AM GMT0 • Reads 136

Wow... I came back to look how my blog was doing I can't beleive I only have 1 ARTICLE that is REALLY hard to believe.When I was in 3rd grade I would write ALL the time. I'm going into 5th gade this year. I'm getting the summer blues you know, well you probably DON'T know Ok. I think this probably happens to most people. ALL school year kids look forward to getting out of school but in the month of August, I anyway start to miss school a bit! Because #1 I see way more of my friends even if YOU don't. Thats how it works out for me. And I'm no nerd well no one REALLY is a nerd. I mean how would YOU define "Nerd"? OK back to the subject. It's not that I like doing work but I like being able to see what the teachers like and stuff.

But If there was a choice right now I would like to be in school.

Article posted August 12, 2007 at 12:48 AM GMT0 • Reads 136


Article posted April 22, 2008 at 03:49 PM GMT0 • Reads 96

hello people,

I am sorry. very, truly, sorry.

I have not been writing!!!

but I will try to get back on here is my first article of getting back on track.

I have learned alot now that I am in 5th grade. I've learned that I LOVE to write and if I do say so myself, I'm actually ok at it. I've recently written a story and am hoping to get it published. I am not going to tell you the title because part of being an author is drawing your readers in, so if you want to know about it ask me later! :)

If you love to write, KEEP WRITING! I liked to write when I was in third grade, but I never thought of turning it into a profession. Now I want to become an author when I grow up. So that brings me back to: KEEP WRITING!!!! when I am a TRUE adult that the law saws by age, I think will be in 8 years if am correct. So I have all that time in between when I can have a job and now. So I have to keep writing until then.


Article posted April 22, 2008 at 03:49 PM GMT0 • Reads 96

Writers Block

Article posted April 24, 2008 at 01:24 AM GMT0 • Reads 491

I am afraid that my articles have been some what boring lately. I can't seem to think of what to write about. This happens to me frequently after I have written a story. Since I have just typed up my seceret story I talked about in "Back...Again!" i am experiencing some writers block. I have one idea that I'm not so sure about, but am going to try out. When I have writers block, I think of an idea but when I try it out but it just doesn't feel right so I don't write about it any more...which is probably bad because it's like a book, you have to wait for the exciting parts!

Article posted April 24, 2008 at 01:24 AM GMT0 • Reads 491

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