Rebekah -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016


Room 11: 2007

Room 11 is a terrific class at a great school. Come read about what goes on!

by Rebekah

teacher: Ben Ward-Smith

Blog Entries

The baby

Article posted May 6, 2007 at 07:16 AM GMT0 • Reads 159

On Thursday my aunty had a baby boy called Charlie. Charlie was born in Upper Hutt hospital at 7.00pm. I'm not going to see Charlie till my birthday which is the 25th of May. My mum went to Upper Hutt to see Charlie with my nana and grandad on Friday. Mum's coming back home on Sunday after noon. My mum sent some photos of Charlie to Me, my sister Emma and dad HE'S SO CUTE!!. He's really good at sucking his thumb.Mum told us that he went for his first walk at only 3 days old and when Charlie had his first .Here's a photo

Article posted May 6, 2007 at 07:16 AM GMT0 • Reads 159


Article posted May 6, 2007 at 07:52 AM GMT0 • Reads 214

On Sunday at 5.30pm me and my sister had nothing to do then my dad walked in and said that we could go bowling then me and my sister jumped up and ran into our rooms and got some socks next we sprinted into the car . When we got there I looked at all the cars and wondered if there would be any more lanes left we where lucky because there were only two lanes left then one of my friends walked in it was Amanda. Amanda was acouple of lanes down from us. Then we started the game when it was my turn I only got 8 down then I got two speares and one strike and I can't remember what my other scores were at the end I came second with the score of 86.

Article posted May 6, 2007 at 07:52 AM GMT0 • Reads 214

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