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Computer Club Blog Hub

by Rebecca Reynolds

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A New Journey

Article posted October 11, 2005 at 05:35 AM GMT • Reads 449

Hello Computer Clubbers!

Welcome to our main blog site. A blog is a place to write and reflect about what you're experiencing here after school. And each of you gets your own space!

At the end of every computer club, we'll login and post thoughts about what we accomplished, what we liked, what was hard, and what we'd like to try out next time.

Today try out the blog, select your site's design template, and submit your first post, reflecting on the following questions:

1. When you're daydreaming about the world, what questions pop up in your mind?

2. What are your curiosities about nature, people, astronomy, or how stuff works?

3. What are you already interested in? What have you wondered about that might become a new interest?

Now is the time... JUST IMAGINE!

Article posted October 11, 2005 at 05:35 AM GMT • Reads 449

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