Joey H -- Blogmeister
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8th Grade

by Joey H

teacher: Bonnie Hall

Blog Entries

My Favorite Game (part 1)

Article posted September 29, 2005 at 04:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 56

My favorite game is Final Fantasy XI. Well, it still is my favorite game, even though my brother’s laptop broke, and I can't play it anymore. Well, any way, there are many good things, and well, two bad things about this game. Of course, I'll begin with the bad. Final Fantasy XI is a MORPG, which means it's a massive online role playing game, being a MORPG it requires a monthly fee of only $13 a month, and an extra $1 a month for every additional character. Don't turn away quite just yet, it is well worth every penny! The other bad thing about Final Fantasy XI, is that its so addicting, one day I was at my grandmas, and I played on the game for 24/7! Well, off of the bad, and into the good. The first thing I would like to say, is that since the game is a MMORPG, you play this game from everywhere! As you play and look at your chat log, you see Japanese symbols and letters go across your screen, and you think to yourself, "I wonder what they are talking about." You make a lot of friends, and some enemies. Read (part 2) of my favorite game to find out more!

Article posted September 29, 2005 at 04:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 56

My Favorite Game (part 2)

Article posted September 29, 2005 at 11:32 PM GMT0 • Reads 33

Now I'll tell you about how many choices and opportunities you have in this game. First when you start you have a choice between some races (I'll talk about these later), and starting jobs. There are six in all, warrior, monk, thief, red mage, black mage, and white mage. I would recommend being a melee type (warrior, monk, and thief), because they are faster to level and much more exciting than mages. From level 30+, you are able to do quests to unlock advanced jobs. There are nine in all, and they are still adding more. These jobs are paladin, dark knight, beastmaster, summoner, bard, samurai, ninja, ranger, and dragoon, so they will be adding a new job that we all think will be blue mage. Exploring the world of Vanadiel, is a thrilling and enjoyable experience. As you experience the thrill of exploring the world, you meet new friends of all races and ages. Your character’s life is a journey, just like our life is. As your character levels up, you feel like you are getting older and more experienced. You are always with your friends, you work in a group, a team, to fight monsters, this is like real life, as in how you work together in a group at school to over come tasks, and finish projects. If anyone in the group, on the game, communicates wrong, it can mean the death to your group. Just like if you don't work well with the group in school, you don't get the project done and fail. This game has taught me how to be a leader, work in a group better, and new vocabulary. This game is very fun and educational at the same time. Read on to (part 3), to read about the exciting places to visit, and much more!

Article posted September 29, 2005 at 11:32 PM GMT0 • Reads 33

My first basketball practice

Article posted November 17, 2005 at 04:18 PM GMT0 • Reads 40

My first basketball practice was better than I thought it would have been. When I got there, there was not many people there. I was shooting around, then I heard Mr. Seymour say, "No halfcourt shots!" So then I practiced some free throws. When everybody came, we had a brief meeting about how we are in three leagues, and we are not splitting up into A and B teams. Then coach told us to go on the line and we did five laps. After we did five the coach told us to do another five laps. Soon after those five we did layups. I always thought i was really bad at layups, but i did fairly well on my left handed ones, and I only missed two from my right hand. After that, we had to do ladders. Those are sprints from one side of the cort to the free thow line and back, then to the half court line, then to the other free throw line , and lastly to the other side of the court. After that we had a little scrimmage between each other. After about 10 minutes of scrimmage we were able to leave. That was my first ever basketball practice.

Article posted November 17, 2005 at 04:18 PM GMT0 • Reads 40

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