Renae M -- Blogmeister
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Renae's Blog

8th Grade

by Renae M

teacher: Bonnie Hall

Blog Entries

My scary experience!

Article posted October 5, 2005 at 04:10 AM GMT0 • Reads 48

On my vacation to Lake Michigan I had a really scary experience! We were all sitting by the fire and my aunt and uncle told us a true scary story. They were sitting on the back porch one day and (there are woods in the backyard) they saw a person in a white gown glowing. After a couple of minutes it slowly went away.

My cousin Gina, my sister Natalie, my brother Adam, and I were all freaked out by that story! Then my uncle went in the backyard and tried to scare us, but it did not work.

Since my aunt and uncles cottage was not big enough my mom, my dad, and Adam had to stay in different cottage about five away from us. So they left to go to sleep, and my aunt, my uncle, Natalie, Gina, and I went into our cottage to go to sleep too.

Natalie, Gina, and I were all lying in are bed ready to go to sleep. When all of a sudden we see someone dressed in white glowing, screaming, and banging on the window! Natalie and Gina were in the same bed and they grabbed on to each other. All of us started screaming so loud! Natalie shut the window behind her bed. When we finally calmed down we started hearing more banging and screaming, so we started screaming again. Then my uncle came inside and started laughing at us because he put sheet over his head and had the flashlight to make it look like he was glowing.

The next day when we woke up my mom, my dad, and Adam were up and were already at our cottage. My aunt told my dad about what my uncle did last night and my dad said that he had heard us screaming from five cottages down! That was a really scary experience!

Article posted October 5, 2005 at 04:10 AM GMT0 • Reads 48

My dance recital.

Article posted October 5, 2005 at 02:25 PM GMT0 • Reads 34

On June 17th was my dance recital. I invited Megan and Jamie to come with. Megan had come for the last four years and, Jamie had come for the last two years. Before the recital we went to Schoops to eat lunch, just like we always do. Then after that, I had to leave so I could get my makeup done, and stretch.

After the show we went to an after party at my friends’ house. Her house is gigantic! When we were there we talked on the phone to Danny. When we left the party we ordered pizza at 1:00 A.M., and we watched Jeepers Creepers 2. That movie was scary! When we were done watching the movie we watched Napoleon Dynamite and tried to learn the dance. We did not learn all of it but, we did learn the beginning. Then we went to sleep.

When we woke up the next morning we made chocolate chip pancakes. They were really good! Then Megan and Jaime left to go home. I love my dance recitals and I can never wait until the next one!

Article posted October 5, 2005 at 02:25 PM GMT0 • Reads 34

Dance Revolution

Article posted November 15, 2005 at 05:41 AM GMT0 • Reads 39

Dance Revolution is a religious dance convention. My dance studio goes to it every February. The convention lasts for the whole weekend, and all starts on the Friday when you arrive.

When you arrive to the hotel, the first thing you do is check in. After, you can tryout for a scholarship, to go there the next year for free. When the tryouts are done they always have some sort of party. The first year I went it was Hawaiian, the second year it was glow in the dark, and last year it was camouflage. At the party they have a best costume winner and they win a prize.

The next day, in the morning they have a pray time. After the pray time you have a schedule of different dance classes, which are the following: Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Tap, Choreography, African, Lyrical, Hip Hop, and a selective class. The selective class is a class you can choose. Each class has a different teacher. Those classes are split in between Saturday and Sunday. After the classes are done on Saturday, there is a showcase. The showcase is when the different dance studios perform their dance. Right after the showcase they give out awards and then we all go back to our rooms.

On Sunday, in the morning, there is a Soul Jam. Soul Jam is when all the teachers act out a story from the Bible. After the Soul Jam you finish the classes that you did not do the day before. When the classes are done the teachers perform a dance. The dance is the kind of dance they taught. When all the teachers are done then they all do a dance together, which is their finale. After the finale is done they announce the scholarship winners and then everybody goes home.

Article posted November 15, 2005 at 05:41 AM GMT0 • Reads 39

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