Megan W -- Blogmeister
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I <3 8th grade...Read my blog!

8th Grade

by Megan W

teacher: Bonnie Hall

Blog Entries

Renae's Dance Recital

Article posted September 22, 2005 at 02:03 AM GMT0 • Reads 60

Renae has a dance recital each year over the summer. I have been going since 4th grade, her first year at St. Ann. This year Jamie and I were invited to go; all three of us always have a good time together so I knew it would be a blast! First, when we got there we just sat around, talked and took pictures. Then we went out to Schoops for lunch. (It’s tradition) We all came back, but Renae had to go to it early so Jamie and I stayed up in her room. We tried on her make-up and just sat around. We ate ice cubes that weren’t completely frozen so when we bit into them the water was freezing cold. Then we went downstairs and bothered her little brother, Adam. He just loves us! (Yeah right) Jamie and I always buy a bunch of candy and bring big purses and sneak it into the theater. We got there and talked with Adam; It was tons of fun. After the recital we went to this after party at one of Renae’s friends from dance. Her house was gigantic! We got home at like 1in the morning and ordered a pizza. We watched Jeepers Creepers 2 and were scared to go to the bathroom so I made them stand outside the door and wait for me. Then at like 3 in the morning we watched Napolean Dynamite and tried to learn the dance at the end. We learned some of it, but we did not learn the rest of it. We fell asleep through it and woke up at, I think, at 9am. We made chocolate chip pancakes. Let me tell you, we are super good cooks. Then Jamie and I had to go home. It was a memory I will never forget!

Article posted September 22, 2005 at 02:03 AM GMT0 • Reads 60

Skating Party

Article posted September 29, 2005 at 04:16 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

Thursday was the skating party. I had lots of fun. The people I hung out with the most were Jamie, Renae and Ally. I also hung out with Amanda and Kailee for a while. We were all really hyper. Chester could not skate because of his surgery so we stayed by him a lot of the night so he did not feel left out. Of course, there was drama and there was one fight. Luckily, I was not a part of it. All was well…well at least for me it was. The music was pretty good and all six of us (me, Jamie, Amanda, Ally, Renae and Kailee) sang at the top of our lungs. Boy, were we bad! Lol! I took a few pictures but I have not gotten them developed yet. Some of the guys had football practice, but Joey came for the last half hour of it. By the time it was all over my feet were killing me. It was a blast, but it is so weird to think that we only have a few left before we leave St. Ann.

Article posted September 29, 2005 at 04:16 PM GMT0 • Reads 35


Article posted November 27, 2005 at 03:30 AM GMT0 • Reads 64

Today Aubrey, Jamie, Renae, Ally, Makaela and I went to the movies to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. We had so much fun! At first we were afraid we would not get tickets so our back up plan was to see Just Friends; luckily, we all got tickets! We all sat down and were talking before the movie started. I laughed so hard I almost spit out my pop; that would have been unfortunate for the lady in front of me! Then, during the movie these two people in front of us kept turning around and looking at us just because maybe we talking a little too loud and laughing at eveything we all said; it was really funny though! The movie was really intense...we were all scared a little. Then the movie got out and we all said our goodbyes and left; that was a sad! Then we were all walking outside and someone came up to us and said that some kid liked one of us, but we did not hear who. Then he waved to us and we waved back. It was a very enjoyable night!

Article posted November 27, 2005 at 03:30 AM GMT0 • Reads 64

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