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The reviews presented here are the opinions and ideas of the reviewer. The reviewers welcome comments from their fellow classmates, making the ideas and opinions presented here the starting point for dialogue, not the ending point.

by chilipepper05

teacher: Tonisha Walden

Blog Entries

Marley and Me

Article posted May 9, 2007 at 01:01 AM GMT0 • Reads 53

For my Language Arts project, I chose book reviewer. I chose to do book reviewer because I wanted to share this heartwarming, touching story that everyone can enjoy. Even though there are so many people who have never even heard of this book before, I feel that posting this on my blog will really encourage more people to go and read this great book. It really is an inspiring book in so many ways.

When reading and evaluating a non-fiction book, I ask myself many questions. Such as:

1) Is it interesting? 2) How does it relate to my life? 3) Does it emotionally and inspirationally touch me? 4) Are the main characters likable and believable? 5) Does the book make me want to turn each page and not put it down? 6) Is the overall reading experience enjoyable?

7) Is there any learning value?


The phrase “a dog is a man’s best friend” is definitely not an understatement. John Grogan’s best selling book Marley and Me clearly proves this point. It is a book that any animal lover and possibly even non-lovers, will not be able to put down once they have begun. This book describes the bond and relationship between a family and their dog. It touches your heart and tugs at your emotions in many special ways.

Although John Grogan is not yet a very popular or big author, I think that he will be some day. He is such a great writer and describes the events so clearly that you can easily picture every detail in your mind. Hopefully by reading this you too will want to experience all of the exciting events that this story has in store for you. There is no telling how this book will affect you, but in some way, it definitely will.


Marley and Me is based on a true story about Marley, a rambunctious, highly energetic puppy sometimes considered “the world’s worst dog””. John and Jenny Grogan had been married for slightly longer than a year when they decided that it was time to expand their family. At this time, they knew they weren’t ready to be parents yet so they decided to search for the best dog possible to be their additional family member. When looking for a furry friend John and Jenny found Marley, a young, very cute, playful, Labrador Retriever puppy. They decided Marley was the one from the litter of nine. He was the cutest, goofiest and friendliest and seemed to choose them by jumping into their laps and saying “take me home.” Once they adopted Marley and he became a member of the family, their lives changed in a major way.

While Marley provided them with many pleasures, his puppy adventures also gave John and Jenny much heartache. They could no longer stay away from the house for the whole day because Marley got into all the wrong things, like eating out of the garbage, enjoying the taste of furniture, and stealing Jenny and Johns many possessions. They could no longer have any private moments together because Marley was always right there by their side. Marley was always up to something, mostly something bad. Whether it was chewing pillows, drapes, or pens, or looking for some excitement such as swimming, wrestling, or fetching, Marley always made life fun. Everyday was an adventure. There were good times like spending the whole entire day with your masters taking long walks and playing fetch in the pond. The bad times were also never boring. Marley had a huge fear of thunderstorms. Whenever a storm struck and he was alone, he would damage everything in sight and create bloody messes. When disaster strikes, Marley proves his place in the family by showing the compassionate, loving, sensitive side of him.

As the years passed and the family grew larger and older, their love for Marley increased more and more. With the birth of each new baby Marley became a more important part of the family because of his acceptance and love for each of them. Over the years Marley became a valuable and trustworthy friend to the entire Grogan family. No doubt about it, Marley, the fun-filled, crazy, obnoxious clown was an indispensable part of the family.


Just looking at the cover of this book will grab your attention. I mean, who could ignore a cute little puppy staring at you with his head cocked to the side? It seems like Marley is trying to tell you something, something like “read me” or just “what’s up?” Once you see the cover along with the cute, adorable pictures on the inside, there is no way you can pass this book up. You will be so tempted to read and snatch it right off the shelf, then run straight home just to find yourself curled up on the couch the whole day reading away.

The book is written in such a way that when you read this book, you will believe that you are right there experiencing every little moment just like the Grogan family. As you read, you will laugh out loud, cry tears of joy and sadness, and feel more and more connected with each page you turn. You will not be able to even begin to imagine all of the trouble that one dog can get into; that is, until you’ve read this book. Marley and Me is not just a book about a man and his dog, it is also a book about life, the ups and downs, the joys and sadness, and the laughter and the tears that are a part of everyone’s life. It really makes you appreciate your life and realize just how special your pets are to you and your family and how much you have grown to love them. After reading you will have to rush over to your pet (if you have one) and give it a big old hug. If you don’t already have a pet, this book may cause you to begin searching for that perfect companion.


If you have ever had a puppy or any other type of pet, this book will be sure to bring back so many unforgettable memories. My family has owned several dogs in my lifetime. Each one was special to us in its own unique way. Just like people our pets have taught us that they are all individuals with their own special personality traits. Family pets should be an inspiration to us all, due to the fact that they are always there waiting for us, always loyal and devoted to us, no matter what the circumstances are.

Reading this book has reminded me of all the pets I have had through the years. With almost every bad and good event that Marley has caused, I say in my mind “remember that time when.” Like Sadie, my old lovable Golden Retriever, or Jake the “Houdini” of Labrador Retrievers, Crawford the Golden Retriever who purrs when you pet him, and my new puppy, Cooper, the crazy mischievous boy who reminds me so much of Marley. It truly is a heartwarming book that you will never forget, no matter how hard you may try.


Overall, “Marley and Me” is a fantastic book, maybe even my all time favorite. While reading you will fall in love with every little personality trait and crazy antic about Marley, and feel as if he is already a part of your family. As said by John Burnham Schwartz (author of Reservation Road and Claire Marvel), “I laughed out loud reading John Grogan’s hilarious description of his attempts to train his Lab Marley. As they say, No pain, no gain. Grogan’s gain-and the reader’s too- is Marley, a Hall of Fame dog if there ever was one.”

In conclusion, Marley and Me scored high on each of the criteria that I look for when evaluating a non-fiction book.1) from page 1 through page 291, I was interested. 2) Being a dog owner myself, I could easily relate to the story. 3) The book touched me in so many different ways. 4) The main characters John, Jenny, and most of all Marley, are without a doubt very likable in every way. 5) I would have easily read this whole book in one day if it weren’t for other obligations. 6) This was one of the most enjoyable books I have read. 7) This book taught me many life lessons.

When you are finished reading this book you will be disappointed that it’s over. You will grow such a strong bond with the family that it feels like you can’t go on without reading more. Just a hint for those of you thinking of reading this book, even if you may think you know how the story will turn out and think it may not effect you, you are so wrong. While reading the few final chapters you better be prepared with a box of tissues by your side, because you are sure going to need them, I did.

Article posted May 9, 2007 at 01:01 AM GMT0 • Reads 53

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