Lori Burch -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Burch Blogosphere

Mrs. Burch's Bloggers

by Lori Burch


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Welcome to the Burch Blogosphere

Article posted March 27, 2005 at 03:29 AM GMT0 • Reads 1236

A "Blog" (short for "Web Log") is a form of online journal or discussion board. This blog has been established for use by elementary students in Hilton, New York and their families. I am hoping that using these blogs to read, think, write, and respond will help to build a community of learners online. By reading, writing and responding to our own thoughts and those of others, we all learn and grow together.

Please click on the links in the black area on the right-hand side of this page to visit the FRIENDSHIP BLOG, the MAKE A STORY BLOG, the MATH CHALLENGES BLOG, or the MYSTERIES OF HARRIS BURDICK BLOG. Descriptons for each of these blogs can be found below. Once you get there, please read what others have written, post a thought of your own, or respond to something that someone else has written or a question that Mrs. Burch has posed.

THE FRIENDSHIP BLOG - This blog is a place for us to read, write, and think about friendship and what it means to be a friend.

THE MAKE A STORY BLOG - This blog is a place where you can write your own ending to a story. Choose a topic, read what people have written so far, and then write your own ending to the story by adding your own sentences.

THE MATH CHALLENGES BLOG - Read a math challenge problem, see if you can figure out how to solve it, and then post your solution.

MYSTERIES OF HARRIS BURDICK - Look at these unusual pictures and write your own story to go with them. These are from the book, The Mysteries of Harris Burdick, by Chris Van Allsburg.

Thanks to Image Shack for free image hosting.

Article posted March 27, 2005 at 03:29 AM GMT0 • Reads 1236

All Entries       All Titles

My Classes & Students

Mrs. Burch's Bloggers
Mysteries of Harris Burdick

About the Blogger

Mrs. Burch has been a teacher for more than 20 years in Hilton, NY. Previously an elementary classroom teacher, she is now an instructional technology specialist working in all 3 elementary school buildings in the Hilton Central School District.