Valleri VanPatten -- Blogmeister
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by Valleri VanPatten

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Assignment #1

Article posted June 6, 2009 at 03:14 AM GMT0 • Reads 245

Love that Dog by Sharon Creech is a wonderful story using poems. When I read this story I thought about how most of you said that you hate writing poems.

The first journal entry:

I don't want to

because boys

don't write poetry

Girls do

Sound familiar?

1. Do you agree with Jack's statement about boys not writing poetry?  Why?

2.  What kind of a person do you picture when you imagine a poet?  Describe what they look like and list any poets that you know.

3.  What are your first impressions of this book?

Happy Writing and I can't wait to hear what you have to say!!

Article posted June 6, 2009 at 03:14 AM GMT0 • Reads 245

Assignment #2

Article posted June 9, 2009 at 04:06 AM GMT0 • Reads 35

1.  Jack doesn't want to write poetry at the beginning of the book.  Why doesn't he want to?


2.  In Jack's first poem he writes:

So much depends


a blue car

splattered with mud

speeding down the road

Why was the blue car important to Jack?

3.  What caused Miss Strechberry to be so interested in Jack's first poem?  Describe what Miss Strechberry does to get Jack to write more poems, especially about the blue car.

Article posted June 9, 2009 at 04:06 AM GMT0 • Reads 35

Assignment #5

Article posted June 12, 2009 at 05:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 36

Pages 31-48

1.  What are Jack's feelings toward Sky?  Make a list of details from the book that describes Jack's feelings toward his.


2.  Try to recreate a poem like The Apple and My Yellow Dog :)  You may have to do this in Microsoft Word, because when you post it on here it ruins the format :)

Article posted June 12, 2009 at 05:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 36

Assignment #6

Article posted June 15, 2009 at 03:28 AM GMT0 • Reads 33

Assignment #6 Pages 49-60

1.  How were you first taught to write poetry?  How do your experiences compare to Jack's?

2.  How would you describe Miss Stretchberry?  We never get to read or hear her responses to Jack; what sort of thing do you imagine she writes or says to him?

3.  Go back and check to see if all 6 assignments have been sent and approved.  If you are missing any please complete them :)  If you are all caught up and published, comment on your classmate's posts!

Article posted June 15, 2009 at 03:28 AM GMT0 • Reads 33

Assignment #3

Article posted June 3, 2010 at 07:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 33

Assignment #3



1.  Create a poem about a pet.  You can use any style of poem that you want!  If you don't have a pet and never did, then write about a pet that you wish you could own!


2.  How does Jack respond when Miss Strechberry asks him to write a poem about a pet?  Why do you think that she insists that Jack writes the poem despite his reaction?

3.  If you were the editor of this book, what would you change in the book to make it "better"?  Remember that this is based on the first 20 pages

Article posted June 3, 2010 at 07:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 33

Article posted June 3, 2010 at 07:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 36

Assignment #4 Pages 20-30

1.  When Jack is first learning to write poetry, he borrows a lot of ideas from other poets' work.  Why? 

2.  Does borrowing from others help him to develop his own style?

3.  Where do you draw the line between being inspired by someone else and copying his or her work?

4.  Jack feels nervous about having his work displayed in the classroom.  How does he expect his classmates to react?  Do you ever have a hard time sharing your work?  Why?

Article posted June 3, 2010 at 07:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 36

Assignment #7 - End of the Year Reading Reflection

Article posted June 16, 2010 at 03:13 PM GMT0 • Reads 229

1.  On a scale of 1-5, how much do you like reading?  (1: not at all- 5: LOVE reading).  Explain your answer.

2.  Since school started this year, have you become more interested in reading?  Why?

3.  Do you think you're a good reader?  Why or Why not?

4.  What is your favorite book that you read this year?

5.  What do you think makes a good reader?

6.  Why do you read?

7.  What areas of reading do you feel you made the most improvements this year?

8.  What were the top three activities you enjoyed the most in reading this year?

9.  What were your three least favortie activities you did in reading this year?

10. How can I improve as a reading teacher?

11. What are you going to do over the summer?


Article posted June 16, 2010 at 03:13 PM GMT0 • Reads 229

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