Kelly Werth -- Blogmeister
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   2004 - 2016

Mrs. Werth-

Grade 6

by Kelly Werth
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Welcome to Blogging!

Article posted October 18, 2009 at 03:35 PM GMT0 • Reads 868

Instead of writing our journal entries in a book and only sharing our ideas and thoughts with the teacher, we are going to complete all our journaling online with the help of our classroom blog.

A blog is is a page on the Internet that allow a group of people to communicate with each other on one or more specific topics. A community of learners can share information, comments, and ideas on a variety of topics that enourage others to think about and respond to.

You will be required to write a minimum of two blog postings a month. You can blog from school or home and are welcome to blog as often as you like.

Once you write a blog, Mrs. Werth will approve what you have written before is posted to our classroom blog. Only people who have our class password can read your blogs. This means that only members of our class will be able to read your blogs on the Internet and it will not be available for anyone else to read.

I'm very excited to be blogging with you this year. Enjoy, explore, and blog!

Mrs. Werth

Article posted October 18, 2009 at 03:35 PM GMT0 • Reads 868

Your First Blog

Article posted October 29, 2009 at 08:13 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

Our blogging site is officially up and running! For your first blog, I would like you to share something that you like about going camping or being in the wilderness.

In our literature circle book, "Hatchet", Brian will unexpectantly find himself in the wilderness. To get you thinking about being out in nature and connecting with our year-end camping trip, tell us what you enjoy about camping or the wilderness and share a personal experience, if you have a favourite one.

What I enjoy about camping and being in the wilderness is that the sounds are always so much different than the sounds that we hear in our daily lives. I really like when I can stop and listen the crackle of a bonfire or the singing of birds.

My favourite camping experience was when my husband and I travelled to Algonquian Park for a weekend camping trip. We rented a canoe and spent our days paddling in the nearby lakes. While my husband fished, I read a book and enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the gentle rocking of the canoe. It was such a peaceful experience.

I can't wait to read all about your ideas!

Mrs. Werth

Article posted October 29, 2009 at 08:13 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

Second Blog Details

Article posted November 5, 2009 at 08:11 PM GMT0 • Reads 39

Wow! I'm really impressed by the first blogs that were posted by everyone thus far. It has been so great reading all the favourite memories and experiences you have had while camping or while being out in the wilderness. Keep up the great blogging!

With the first snowfall officially marked on the calendar for this winter season, I would like you to tell me what your favourite winter activity is and why you enjoy participating or doing this activity so much. The first snowfall always gets people excited for the winter wonderland that is peeking around the corner, so tell me what you're excited for.

Although winter isn't my favourite season, I do enjoy participating in many winter activities. I don't think that I can pick just one, so I will tell several instead.

I really enjoy skating. I used to figure skate competitively when I was younger and have always had a passion for skating. Whether it's lacing up the skates for an afternoon of public skating or skating with my husband on a frozen pond, skating is one of my favourite winter activities.

I also love baking in the winter. When it's cold outside, nothing makes you feel more cozy than sitting inside by a warm oven baking cookies, holiday treats, or delicious stew.

I can't wait to hear all about your favourite winter activities. I know that I will probably share some of the similar interests as you do.

Mrs. Werth

Article posted November 5, 2009 at 08:11 PM GMT0 • Reads 39

Holiday Traditions

Article posted November 30, 2009 at 02:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

Reading about different traditions is always something that I enjoy. I especially like reading about holiday traditions because I find it so interesting to hear all about the different things that people and families do during the holiday season.

A couple weeks ago I learned of a German tradition that I thought was very neat. In Germany, pickles are considered to be lucky. At Christmas time, families in Germany hide a pickle in their family Christmas tree. The person to find the pickle receives an extra special gift and are believed to have good luck brought to them for the new year. I thought that this was such an exciting tradition to learn about.

A holiday tradition that my family engages in each year occurs on Christmas Day. Each year since I can remember, my family travels to my Grandparent's home at noon. We are joined by all my aunts, uncles, and cousins (37 people in total!) and we eat a huge Christmas brunch together. After we have filled our stomachs, we always play games and talk around the large wood fireplace my grandparents have in their basement. It's a great way to spend Christmas Day!

What is a holiday tradition that you and your family participate in? If you don't have a tradition, what is your favourite part of the holidays? I can't wait to hear all about your family traditions that I could maybe start with my own family someday.

Article posted November 30, 2009 at 02:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

An Update From Me...

Article posted February 10, 2010 at 05:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 181

Hello Everyone!  How are you doing?  I miss all of you very much and I can't wait to return back to school to see all of you.  I'm sure that you have all grown 5 centimetres since I've been gone and many more of you will be taller than me!  I'll have to dig out my super high heels for when I return.

I am doing very well.  I am feeling better and better every day and I have great people all taking good care of me.  I am, however, VERY bored somedays being at home.  I miss hearing all about your stories and listening to your interesting ideas.  I need to come back and play a few games of dodgeball to get me moving again.  I hope that you are being very respectful of the classroom and to your new teacher.  I expect to have a super report about each and every one of you when I return.

One thing that I am excited about is the Olympics.  I hope to pass some of my time by watching the events as they occur throughout the day and to watch Canada win its first Olympic gold medal on Canadian soil.  I hear that you have been busy celebrating and getting ready for the Olympics at school.  I'm sorry that I'm missing out.  I hate missing a good game of any activity.  What Olympic sport are you most excited to watch or hear about and why?  Explain why this Olympics has so much more meaning to you than any of the past Olympics.

The Olympic sport that I am most excited to watch is figure skating.  Although I can't wait for hockey (both women's and men's), freestyle skiiing, and speed skating, I think that figure skating is going to be the sport that I won't miss seeing.  I think that I am most excited for this sport because Canada has an Olympic hopeful in each of the 4 events (ladies, mens, pairs, and dance).  I think that it will be remarkable to see these skaters skate their programs and hear the hometown crowd cheer them on.  As well, one slip or fall can change the entire outcome of the results and it will be interesting to see who can stand up to the pressure and truly do their best.

This Olympics has so much more meaning for me than any other Olympics for a number of reasons.  For starters, it is the first Olympics that  I can actually remember occurring in Canada (although I was alive during the Calgary 1988 Olympics, I was very young).  Secondly, Canada has so many fantastic athletes who get little recognition for the hard work and dedication they do each and every day.  It is so great to actually see their faces on the television instead of Hollywood stars and for them to get the recognition that they deserve.  Lastly, I am always proud to be Canadian.  But when such a big thing as the Olympics occurs and it is being host by Canada, I think that makes me feel even more pride to call myself Canadian and appreciate what a great country I live in.

I can't wait for each of you to respond to my blog and answer ALL of the questions that I have asked you.  Be sure that your blog is detailed, edited, and complete.  It won't make me very happy to read blogs that people have put little effort into.  Remember, there isn't a lot of excitement in my days right now, so give me a blog to get excited about!!

I can't wait to see all of you soon.

Love, Mrs. Werth 

Article posted February 10, 2010 at 05:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 181

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Grade 6